# Actionpro-cli A Command line interface for ACTIONPRO X7 to configure the WiFi settings from the command line. The ACTIONPRO X7 was produced by _CI IMAGEWEAR GmbH_ and is by now _end of life_ and now longer supported. There was a Windows program called _Action Manager_, which allowed Windows users to configure their action camera, or reset the credetials, if the credentials were forgotten. This project uses parts of the [xusb.c](https://github.com/libusb/libusb/blob/master/examples/xusb.c) example program provided by the libusb project. This program is a result of my work on reverse engineering the _Action Manager_, the write up of this project can be found on [goatpr0n.farm](https://goatpr0n.farm/2021/08/reversing-an-eol-action-camera-usb-scsi-direct-access/). ## Build Status [![Build Status](https://pipe.goatpr0n.de/api/badges/blog/actionpro-cli/status.svg)](https://pipe.goatpr0n.de/blog/actionpro-cli) ## Requirements **Libraries**: * libusb-1.0 To access usb devices, root access is often required. ## Compiling ``` $ make config.h $ $EDITOR config.h $ make ``` ### Config Options Adjust settings in `config.h` before running make to apply changes. The file `config.h` is created when running `make`, or by explicitly running `make config.h`. If the file `config.h` does not exist while running make, the defaults are copied from `config.def.h`. **Options** - `RETRY_MAX` (_Default 5_) - Number of retries for sending a mass storage command. ## Options ``` Usage: ./actionpro [OPTION] -C, --config-file=FILE use this user configuration file -h, --help give this help list -p, --password=PASSWORD sets the access point authentication PASSWORD -s, --ssid=SSID sets the access point SSID -t, --time synchronize the camera time -v, --version display version number ``` ## Executing To update the SSID to "newssid" and set the access point password of the cameras access to "newpassword": ``` $ ./actionpro -s newssid -p newpassword ```