
191 lines
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import os
from http.server import BaseHTTPRequestHandler
import socketserver
import threading
import pyqrcode
import socket
import struct
import base64
from SuperBeam.RequestHandlers import (
ChunkTemplateHandler, ThumbHandler, ApkRequestHandler, LegacyListHandler,
SingleFileHandler, ZipFileHandler, SuperStreamHandler, AssetHandler,
class SuperBeamServer(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
"""SuperBeam Server
Handle incoming requests to serve information to the client.
Class is built on top of :mod:`http.server.BaseHTTPRequestHandler` as
simple http server.
Call :func:`serve_forever()` to start the HTTP server. The mainloop will
serve a list of files given as argument to :func:`serve_forever()`.
debug (bool): Enable debug output. Defaults to `False`.
*args: Variable length argument list.
**kwargs: Arbitrary keyword arguments.
debug (bool): enable debug output.
files (list): list of files served by the `SuperBeamServer`.
def __init__(self, debug=False, *args, **kwargs):
self.debug = debug
super(SuperBeamServer, self).__init__()
def do_GET(self):
"""GET request handler
The :class:`SuperBeamServer` supports specifically defined requests
URIs. Each requested URI in handled by a different handler class. The
classes are defined in :mod:`SuperBeam.RequestHandlers` and registered
in the ``path`` dictionary of this method.
The requested path is checked against the registered handlers and - if
exists - forwarded to :func:`respond()`, where the request gets
# TODO Add globbing
if self.debug:
paths = {
'index': ChunkTemplateHandler,
'/': ChunkTemplateHandler,
'/index.htm': ChunkTemplateHandler, # TODO handler2
'/getthumb': ThumbHandler,
'/light': ChunkTemplateHandler, # TODO handler2
'/superlist': LegacyListHandler,
'/jsonlist': JsonListHandler,
'/get/': SingleFileHandler,
'/getapk': ApkRequestHandler,
'/getzip': ZipFileHandler,
'/getstream': SuperStreamHandler,
'*': AssetHandler,
if self.path in paths: # TODO startswith key check
def respond(self, handler):
"""Respond client with request with registered handler.
Method is called by :func:`do_GET()`.
Currently supported handlers are described in
class: Handler class implemeting a static ``handle()`` method.
if self.debug:
print('='*30 + ' DEBUG ' + '='*30)
print('CONNECTION:', self.connection)
print('HEADERS :', self.headers)
print('REQUEST :', self.request)
print('REQUEST* :', self.requestline)
print('PATH :', self.path)
print('COMMAND :', self.command)
print('HANDLER :', handler)
print('='*30 + ' DEBUG ' + '='*30)
def get_primary_ip() -> str:
"""Get primary IP address.
Obtain the primary interface IP address. If an error occurs, the default
loopback adddress '' is returned.
str: IP Address
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
# doesn't even have to be reachable
s.connect(('', 1))
IP = s.getsockname()[0]
except Exception as exc:
IP = ''
return IP
def get_qrcode() -> tuple:
"""Generate QR Code to be scanned by the SuperBeam Client.
Obtains the IP address of by calling :func:`get_primary_ip()` and creates
the ``QRCode`` object with :mod:`pyqrcode`.
tuple(`pyqrcode.QRCode`, str): QRCode object, IP address
primary_ip = get_primary_ip()
octets = [1]
octets.extend([int(_) for _ in primary_ip.split('.')[::-1]])
url = '' + base64.b64encode(
struct.pack('BBBBB', *octets)
return pyqrcode.create(url), primary_ip
def show_qrcode():
"""Display QR Code with link for SuperBeam Client.
The QR code is generated in function :func:`get_qrcode()`. The QR code is
rendered in the terminal window.
qrcode, primary_ip = get_qrcode()
print(f'SuperBeam Server: http:://{primary_ip}:8080/\n')
def build_filelist(paths, recursive=True) -> list:
"""List of files or directories to be served to SuperBeam clients.
paths (list(str)): list of directories to serve.
recursive (bool, optional): serve subdirectories of `paths`. Defaults
to `True`
list: list of files with fullpath to be served.
filelist = []
for path in paths:
if os.path.isdir(path) and recursive:
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path):
for file_ in files:
filelist.append(os.path.join(root, file_))
return filelist
def serve_forever(files):
"""Start the SuperBeam server and serve `files`.
Infinite main loop serving `files` via SuperBeam server. Consider calling
:func:`build_filelist()` to get a list of files to serve.
The server tries to obtain the primary IP address of the system and binds
the server to TCP port 8080.
files (list(str)): a list of files with fullpath information to serve.
Handler = SuperBeamServer
Handler.files = files
with socketserver.ThreadingTCPServer(('', 8080), Handler) as httpd: